
MBC production on Umar (rad)

Assalamu alaikum dear sisters and brothers. Here is the series link promised, and a brief blurb about it taken from the longer post here

The series is about Umar, one of the prophet’s (peace be upon him) closest companions who at one time, wanted to kill him! He outlived the prophet (peace be upon him) by many years, and he lead the Muslim nation for much of that time. He died as he wished to die, martyred… it was also the first of many assassinations of the state’s head, the Muslim nation was to face. It is in 30 parts and I will post the first one below. You can youtube them all. It is a vast period in history to cover in 30 episodes and there is much to be commented on. But I don’t personally prefer to critique what is obviously a massive amount of work, except to say thanks for taking it on, thanks for the effort to make it as best as possible, and thanks for sharing it. So while there may be much to be improved upon, and much that has been left out or needs working on, it is a remarkable production and one of the most accurate ones out there in my amateur opinion.


Reliance on Allah: The Cure For An Ummah in Crisis – By Abdal Hakim Murad

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh!

This lecture mashaAllah is very timely and a benefit to all who listen inshaAllah. It addresses many areas, such as, the state of our Ummah today and why we should not be anything but content and important aspects of destiny that we have forgotten and are hard to express. With relation to our discussion of destiny on Saturday, I thought it would be especially a good listen.

Jazakum Allah Khairan



Alhamdulillah, nasheed by Dawud Wharnsby

MashaAllah we had a great session last Saturday, furthering our reading of Surah Al-Baqara. We covered the important story of the ‘heifer’ (small cow) that the sura is said to take it’s name from. A story full of lessons and depth, found in ayaath 59-74 of Sura Baqara.

During our discussion it came about that we mentioned this song by Dawud Wharnsby, referencing the fact that it was only the human who wanted free will, while all other creation (i.e., rocks, trees etc) chose not to have free will and spend their life in simple perfect worship. A worship manifested by them being what they are meant to be. I promised to post the song on the blog so here it is mashaAllah 🙂